Monday, August 3, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
A Web search engine is a tool designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are usually presented in a list and are commonly called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in newsbooks, databases, or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.
There are many search engine exist right now..3 of them are the lycos,Altavista and the Hotbot..
The 1st search engine is the Lycos.......
Lycos is one of the oldest (est. 1995) and most widely known Internet brands in the world, evolving from one of the original search engines on the web, into a comprehensive network of sites that foster online communities.
The Lycos Network provides web search and navigation, homepage building and web hosting services, web-based e-mail, online games and cutting-edge video platforms. Lycos's award-winning products and services include tools for blogging, web publishing and hosting, video sharing, social networking, games, e-mail, and search. Lycos is an Internet web portal.
The Lycos search engine allows you to search the Web for sites, sounds, images, and also by subject category. The search engine also allows an advanced customizable search feature, top news, top 5% sites, point review, a city guide, people finder, and road maps.Lycos began as a search engine research project by Dr. Michael Loren Mauldin of Carnegie Mellon University in 1994. Bob Davis joined the company as its CEO and first employee in 1995. Lycos then enjoyed several years of growth and, in 1999, became the most visited online destination in the world, with a global presence in more than 40 countries. Lycos was sold to Terra Networks of Spain in May 2000 for $5.4 billion, forming a new company Terra Lycos and maintaining a position as one of the world's largest Internet companies. Shortly after the merger, Davis left the company to become a venture capitalist with Highland Capital Partners in Boston. In October 2004, Lycos was sold by Terra's parent company Telefonica to Daum Communications Corporation, the second largest Internet portal in Korea, becoming once again Lycos Inc.Unlike many of its competitors, Lycos People Search lets you search for both individuals and businesses at one place. This naturally saves time and effort on your part.Lycos People Search is not at all complicated to use, making it especially appealing for people too busy to have time for initial query pages that require you to type a lot of information before you can proceed to the next step. It is also good for people with little experience with online tools.Lycos may have been one of the top search engines a decade ago, but its glory days are long past. Now, its size is just a tiny part of what competitors like Yahoo and Google have involved into. Ultimately, the efficiency of Lycos People Search will greatly depend on Lycos' marketing strategy and its ability to continuously offer services that Yahoo and Google can't.
The 2nd search engine is the ALTAVISTA..
AltaVista was created by researchers at Digital Equipment Corporation's Western Research Laboratory who were trying to provide services to make finding files on the public network easier. Although there is some dispute about who was responsible for the original idea two key participants were Louis Monier, who wrote the crawler, and Michael Burrows, who wrote the indexer. The name AltaVista was chosen in relation to the surroundings of their company at Palo Alto. AltaVista was publicly launched as an internet search engine on 15 December 1995 at
At launch, the service had two innovations which set it ahead of the other search engines. It used a fast, multi-threaded crawler (Scooter) which could cover a lot more Web pages than were believed to exist at the time and an efficient search back-end running on advanced hardware. As of 1998, it used 20 multi-processor machines using DEC's 64-bit Alpha processor. Together, the back-end machines had 130 GB of RAM, 500 GB of hard disk space, and received 13 million queries per day. This made AltaVista the first searchable, full-text database of a large part of the World Wide Web. The distinguishing feature of AltaVista was its minimalistic interface compared with other search engines of the time; a feature which was lost when it became a portal, but was regained when it refocused its efforts on its search function.
AltaVista's site was an immediate success. Traffic increased steadily from 300,000 hits on the first day to more than 80 million hits a day two years later. The ability to search the web, and AltaVista's service in particular, became the subject of numerous articles and even some books. AltaVista itself became one of the top destinations on the web, and by 1997 would earn US$50 million in sponsorship revenue.
In 1996, AltaVista became the exclusive provider of search results for Yahoo!. In 1998, Digital was sold to Compaq and in 1999, Compaq relaunched AltaVista as a web portal, hoping to compete with Yahoo!. Under CEO Rod Schrock, AltaVista abandoned its streamlined search page and focused on features like shopping and free email.[8] In June 1998, Compaq paid AltaVista Technology Incorporated ("ATI") $3.3 million for the domain name – Jack Marshall, cofounder of ATI, had registered the name in 1994.
In June 1999, Compaq sold a majority stake in AltaVista to CMGI, an internet investment company. CMGI filed for an initial public offering for AltaVista to take place in April 2000, but as the internet bubble collapsed, the IPO was cancelled.Meanwhile, it became clear that AltaVista's portal strategy was unsuccessful, and the search service began losing market share, especially to Google. After a series of layoffs and several management changes, AltaVista gradually shed its portal features and refocused on search. By 2002, AltaVista had improved the quality and freshness of its results and redesigned its user interface.
In February 2003, AltaVista was bought by Overture Services, Inc.[12] In July 2003, Overture itself was taken over by Yahoo!.AltaVista provides a free translation service, branded Babel Fish, which automatically translates text between several languages. In May 2008, this service was renamed Yahoo! Babel Fish, after the parent company.
The Site contains links to web sites, web pages and services that are also operated by AltaVista, our subsidiaries or other companies affiliated with us (each an "AltaVista Site"). Your use of each AltaVista Site is subject to the terms of use, if any, contained within each of the AltaVista Sites. If there is any conflict between the Terms set forth below and any of the terms or notices set forth on any other AltaVista Site, then the terms at that AltaVista Site will control your use of that AltaVista Site. Please review the terms of use for each AltaVista Site so that you understand all of the terms that will apply.
AltaVista is pleased to give you access to this Site free of charge. However, in order to access the Site, you will need to establish an account with an internet service provider. You will also need equipment to access the Site, including a computer, modem or other communication device. You agree to pay for all hardware and services costs needed to access the Site and use the Services. AltaVista is not responsible for any of these costs.

Department of Public Works and Highways -
The Department of Public Works and Highways functions as the engineering and construction arm of the Government tasked to continuously develop its technology for the purpose of ensuring the safety of all infrastructure facilities and securing for all public works and highways the highest efficiency and quality in construction.
DPWH is currently responsible for the planning, design, construction and maintenance of infrastructure, especially the national highways, flood control and water resources development system, and other public works in accordance with national development objectives.
REACTION: This website was done in order for us ,Filipino, to know what are they are doing and successfully finish the past few years.The DPWH is mandated to undertake the planning of infrastructure, such as roads and bridges, flood control, water resources projects and other public works, and the design, construction, and maintenance of national roads and bridges, and major flood control systems.
Department of Agriculture -
Official site of the Department of Agriculture.
The Department of Agriculture is the principal agency of the Philippine government responsible for the promotion of agricultural development growth. In pursuit of this, it provides the policy framework, helps direct public investments, and in partnership with local government units (LGUs) provides the support services necessary to make agriculture and agri-based enterprises profitable and to help spread the benefits of development to the poor, particularly those in rural areas.
REACTION:Through making this kind of website, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, we Filipino wil know and be updated on what is latest and newly discover in terms of our Agricultural Economy. And also it promotes our Agricultural development and growth through increased productivity.
Saturday, March 16,2009

The Land Transportation Office -
Mandate & Main Functions of LTO
1. Inspection and Registration of Motor Vehicles
2. Issuance of Licenses and Permits
3. Enforcement of Land Transportation Rules and Regulations
4. Adjudication of Traffic Cases
5. Collection of Revenues for the Government
This are the list of services rendered by Land Transportation Office(LTO)
License-Related Transactions
New License / Permit
License Renewal
Change Classification
Additional Restriction Code (ARC)
Duplicate License
License Certification
Revision of Records
Delinquent License
Frequently Asked Questions
Motor Vehicle-Related Transactions
New Motor Vehicle Registration
Renewal of Motor Vehicle Registration
Miscellaneous Transaction
Annotation / Cancellation of Mortgage
Special Registration of Imported Motor Vehicles
Special Registration of Auctioned Motor Vehicles
Special Registration of Government Motor Vehicles
Special Registration of Recovered Motor Vehicles
Special Registration of Assembled Motor Vehicles
Transfer Of Ownership Of Motor Vehicles Through Settlement
Additional Requirements
Application for Confirmation of BIR Certification of Clearance of Motor Vehicle (BIR CCMV)
Application for Confirmation of BOC Certification of Confirmation of Motor Vehicle (BOC CCMV)
Manufacturers, Assemblers, Importers, Dealers (MAID) Transactions
New Application for MAID Accreditation
Renewal of MAID Accreditation
Stock Sales Reporting
Certified True Copy(CTC) of Lost CC
Checklist of Import/Exempt Transactions for Issuance of CC
Certificate Of Confirmation
Application for Certification of Stock
REACTION: This website was established in the purpose that to reach out to Filipinos through the use of Internet. Here we will know the plans and programs of our government in terms of land transportation.
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Saturday, February 28, 2009
- Make her notice you! If she does, then the easy part is over.
- Take your time. If she gives you her number, perfect, but don't beg for it. Call her when you get her number, but not too much. Some days, let her have a chance to call you! This will show her that you guys are willing to keep in contact.
- Compliment her when she does something smart or kind. Don't overuse compliments though! Compliment her too much and she'll roll her eyes again and again at your attempts at sweet talk.
- Make sure you know things about her. You don't necessarily have to be her best friend, but do be a friend. Let her talk about her feelings with you, and in return try to do the same. But don't pour yourself out. You'll seem weak to her. Unless of course, she asks you to pour yourself, then go ahead. But know how she first felt about you, what her favorite color is and what her favorite book was when she was little. Things like that. But don't over ask.
- Be friends with her family. Being a family friend is a good start. You don't want to get off the wrong foot with her family. They sometimes have the power to change her mind if they don't like you. Visit her family and start a good conversation. Nothing like how's the weather. Talk about something you think would interest them. Read the front page of the paper so that you will know what is going on in this world. Then you will have something to talk about and you will not have to try too hard!! Relax!
- Get her a small gift. Don't get her the world on its knees. Get her something like a small ring, unless she hates jewelry and can't stand the feel of metal on her skin. Maybe she would like some flowers or a pretty bookmark. If you don't know what she would like, try and figure it out. Here are some meanings women might attribute to various objects--
- Ring-Commitment
- Hand-Drawn Portrait-Commitment
- Stuffed toy--Puppy Love
- Flowers: You think she's pretty.
- (Note) Do NOT get her something that might scare her or that she might not need or even like (unless of course she has a collection of things like spoons, marbles, stuff like that.)
- Meet her friends. Meeting her friends means you're a step up! This means she's willing to accept you into her life. Don't push her to meet them though, let her one day ask "Would you like to meet my friends?" whereupon you quickly answer "Sure!"(If she has friends that are women, do not, NOT, become extreme friends with them, be polite, but not extremely friendly, as this will make her think you might cheat on her with her friends.
Tips on How to Make
Her Fall in Love
- A simple one here, but one that is often the hardest one to obtain. Be yourself, smile and be honest. You'll find with anyone, just being you is a 100% sure fire way to knowing if you are meant to be or not.
- Don't over compliment her! If you do, it'll make her extremely bored. But do remember to compliment her sometimes and whenever you really mean it.
- Don't tease her love by joking about how she could improve in some areas or saying that a 'certain' girl looks extremely pretty today in front of her, not even when you're alone! Especially celebrities.
- Love is a feeling induced by biochemistry, so learn what situation makes it favorable for a girl to fall in love.
- Watch the movies boys, it's not rocket science.
- Girls want something special that only you two share together.
- Don't ignore her to look cool in front of your friends.
- Make her feel like she is the one you are thinking about and want to be with and MEAN IT!!!!
- When you say you are going to CALL, just do it.
- If it is not working out, then don't drag her on by telling her you miss her the day before you dump her or even after.
- If you end it end it, don't string her along your twisted web.
- Don't use 'I was just drunk', as an excuse to get out of anything!!!
- Look like a strong figure, girls don't like sissies but dont pretend or the girl will find out eventually.
- Never talk negative about her friends, even if she might be. Just be an ear when she needs one.
- Don't try to keep her your 'dirty little secret', it will blow up in your face.
- All women want is just to love and be loved in return.
- Try and give her the movie kiss she has always wanted.
- Surprises don't always have to cost anything.
- Drop the three day calling rule. Don't leave her waiting!! Girls hate that, it leaves them confused and they might start to think that you are cheating on them.
- make her want you, you have to be special in her eyes, if not what's stopping her from finding another guy?
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy valentines to all, Specially to my family and also to my very special someone shes name JOy Esper, Happy valentines Joy. also to friends and all bsbsa2, Valentines is a season of love that need to each everyone to a happy to each other, Love is first need of a family that make a peace,happy, and mercyful. I LOVE YOU and HAPPY VALENTINES.